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Who is Affected by NIS 2? Sectors in Focus

Sep 3, 2024

Sep 3, 2024 | Cybersecurity, Uncategorized

Who is Affected by NIS 2? Sectors in Focus



Tags: NIS 2

The NIS 2 Directive (Network and Information Security Directive 2) was introduced by the European Union to enhance cybersecurity across the European economic area. The directive significantly expands the scope of the original NIS Directive and now impacts many more sectors and businesses. Companies and organizations affected by NIS 2 must meet new security requirements to protect against cyber threats and ensure compliance.

Expanded Reach of NIS 2

The original 2016 NIS Directive was limited to critical infrastructure sectors such as energy, water, and transport. NIS 2 goes further by including additional sectors that are now considered essential to the functioning of society and the economy. Companies in these sectors must implement stricter cybersecurity measures and report incidents faster and more comprehensively.

Sectors in Focus Under NIS 2

  • Energy and Utility Companies: These businesses must protect their networks and systems against attacks to minimize disruptions.
  • Healthcare: Hospitals and healthcare providers must safeguard their data and systems from cyberattacks.
  • Telecommunications: Providers must conduct ongoing risk assessments and implement robust security measures.
  • Digital Infrastructure and Cloud Services: Cloud providers and data centers are responsible for maintaining the security of digital services.
  • Financial Sector: Banks must implement strict security measures to protect sensitive data.
  • Transport and Logistics: Companies must protect their systems to prevent disruptions to supply chains.

What Do Companies Need to Do to Comply with NIS 2?

Companies must conduct regular risk assessments, report incidents within 24 to 72 hours, provide employee training, and implement appropriate technical safeguards.

How VELEVO® Can Help

VELEVO® supports businesses with tailored consulting services and secure data center infrastructure to ensure they meet the requirements of NIS 2.

Subtle Hint: If companies find it challenging to navigate the complexities of the NIS 2 Directive, VELEVO® offers comprehensive support and expertise.

Learn more at velevo.net.




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